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Post Games

Well I rested for three days before getting back into it again. And I have been inconsistent since. There has just been so much going on it seems! I was sore after the games, but not for as long as I thought I was going to be. I only needed one day rest maybe two. Three was almost too much, but I like to rest.

5 Rounds for time:
400m run
30 Box jump 20"
30 Wall ball 14# 10ft


Due to a large class I did wall ball first.
Slow again. I crashed on round 3 box jumps I was so tired. I think my last run was faster than the previous 3 though. I was hoping for under 30 but was worried it would take 35. I'll take 31 and change. I did consider going light in the wall ball for speed, but its really the run that takes me the longest. I am trying to not hate running while running, but its so dang hard not to.

CFT (CrossFit Total)

Back Squat 205-225-235 PR
Shoulder press 95-100-107F
Deadlift 255-265-270PR-300PR!

So there was only supposed to be 3 attempts in the events however while doing my warm ups 255 was HARD, so was 265 my old pr, the 270# was EASY. I had no idea what was going on so Jenna announced I was going to do 300#, which I was skeptical, but I was going to try. I got it! There was no video so I did it again. Both time the weights fell off nearing the top, we can't fit 300# on the women's bar with clips so at the struggled at the top some fell off my left side. However I think if they were secure I still would have got it. I couldn't believe I did it! Form wasn't great, but I have done worse with less. I am very excited about it. Funny thing, it felt no harder than 255# or 265# felt that day. I think I got the 105# press in boulder because I used a women's bar. That definitely helped in the deadlift.

Wall Ball 14# 10ft


I couldn't think of a better WOD to do. This was the beginner's workout.


I did a day of light back squat, somewhere in here, but it was hurting my guts so I didn't go long or heavy. The compression from the weigh felt like my ribs where going to poke out on the right side. Weird. I've been busy at my other job, well mostly stressed so I have been lazy. Plus Jenna's was out of town this week, so my days have been really long and I just want to go home at the end of the day.

For time:
35 Pullups
35 Burpees


This was supposed to be 50 and 50 but I was trying to go fast so I lightened up the pullups since those are evil to me. I think I could have done all 50 in under 10min though. Pullups felt bad. I have a hard time on the smaller bar. I am being such a wimp I guess.

4 Rounds For Time:
200m Run
10 Goblet Squats 16kg
15 Kettlebell Swings 16kg


Still slow.

Memorial Day --rested to get back on with main page 3 on 1 off
I think that I was my reasoning.

3 rounds For time
400m Run
21 KB swings 16kg
12 Pullups


Blech. I am so slow.

For time:
75# Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 20 reps
20 Handstand Pushups
75# Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 20 reps
20 Handstand Pushups
75# Thruster, 20 reps
20 Deadhang Pullups
75# Thruster, 20 reps
20 Deadhang Pullups


I used 1 abmat for HSPU and red band for dead hangs

That was so hard. I dislike the HSPU very much I would do 3 in a row great and then I couldn't do one. I'd fail it 3 times and then do one like it was almost easy. I am not sure what changed to make it so much easier for that time. This happened a lot during this workout. Dead hangs I tried with no band. I got maybe 3 before I switched or I'd still be there now.


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