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I can't help it, I am a busy person

I have been traveling, and trying to catch up on work. I was hoping I would feel refreshed after 10 days off, but it feels like I never left. I am constantly trying to catch up. However I did have a good time in Florida! I met a lot of Michael's friends and is families away from home! They came from all over and were so friendly! If they are ever in Montana, I hope they know they have a place to stay!


Happy Cinco de Mayo! Game qualifier WOD

Snatch 65#
Pull Ups Chest to Bar


Whew made the game time cutoff however about 5-8 of my pull ups weren't quite Chest to Bar. On the bright side I felt really sluggish warming up, but my pull ups felt really strong. Not fast, but strong. I did them in sets of 3-4 they were a little easier to connect than last week. So yay for that. I was really tired today I woke up about 3 am and tossed and turned til 5 when the alarm went off. I was thinking about work, the CrossFit games qualifiers, work more, and other aches and pains. I think I would do better if I could stop dreaming about work. It keeps me up quite often. I guess 40s a week in the office isn't enough I have to dream about it too!


Push Press


I had no idea where to start. I did jerk a few, I think was rushing it and jerking it made it faster and easier. I can't really feel it when I do it though. Next time I think I can do more :)


ah rest.

Went to Church for the first time in 5 months. 2nd time in 10 months or so. I think they were waiting for me, the sermon seemed to be tailored to me. Hmmm.


4 Rounds for Time of:
400m Run
21 Thrusters 65#
12 Burpees


I need to be more aggressive in my runs. I can do them I am faster, must not hold back in fear of getting tired. Duh.



Did some at 55-85-95-105 in the am
then more with 55 and 85 that night.
Worked on form mostly. I have put 115 slowly, but easily over my head. My form need work before I put more weight up. I need to pull slower in the beginning, don't pull with my arms, fully open my hips and get under faster. That's all.


7 Rounds for Time
5 Pull ups CTB
10 KB Swings
25 Squats


My pull ups were so slow. I couldn't connect for the life of me. I am fighting my swing down and starting from scratch with every pull up.


Ok resting today to get back on 3 on 1 off cycle.


Fly home, lazy no WOD


Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95#
Ring Dips (red band for me)



Too much fun, got lazy no workout!


Rest and Wedding!
Congrats to my brother, Michael and my new sister, Kimberly! Now you can move to Montana!


3 rounds for time
800m run
50 Sit ups
30 95# dead lifts


Now I have to run in the heat?! As much as running is not comfortable for me it felt like the best 800s I have ever done.
Happy Birthday Daddy! Just for you I sat on the beach all day! Hope you like the cake at the Celebration Dinner!


Some days I shake my fist at CrossFit for making me do ridiculous workouts. This was one of those days. Not only is this long and hard, (stupid knees to elbows), but they have to put it on the page when I am down in Florida. Its 40 degrees hotter than I am currently used to working out in and humidity whats that?! Heat and I don't always get along so well especially while exercising. I like my dry Montana weather. In Florida you think about the WOD and sweat. I know I am whining a bit because its only April! I know it gets a billion degrees hotter and more humid! Ok another least favorite WOD.....

"Filthy 50"
50 Box jumps (24" box I tried setups)
50 Jumping Pull ups
50 Kettle Bell Swings (16kg)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (45#)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball (10ft 14# ball)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders


Last time I did this it took me 33:55 20" box, with 8kg KB, 35# push press, my box for jumping pull ups was taller, we also did Romanian Deadlifts for back extensions. I am pretty sure knees to elbows were more like knees to armpit or belly button. This time I had to battle heat and humidity. I had to sit during the wall balls, it was that or fall over, I was so hot. I couldn't get the heat out of my head, but my belly was cold. Ok enough sob story lets talk about the beach instead! Wheeeee!


I did not do 1-1-1-1-1 there was no rhyme or reason to the reps, just working on form. I still drop my hips too much apparently. So I worked on pushing through the middle of my feet and using my lats to keep the bar in. I did up to 195 a few times 185 mostly and some larger sets of 135. By the time I got down to 135 a set of 5 was completely exhausting.

Rest Day!


Back Squat

Michael taught me the low bar position. It was really awkward at first and my shoulders were really tight from DT and Angie. I did 185# for all the rounds. My last set of reps the low bar finally felt more comfortable, and made my last effort the easiest.

Didn't sleep much tonight. Had to pack for FLORIDA! Didn't eat all day either.

Angie (but only 1/2) for me
50 pull ups
50 push ups
50 sit ups
50 squats


slow. one of my least favorite wods.


5 Rounds for Time of
12 Deadlifts 105#
9 Hang Power Cleans 105#
6 Push Jerks 105#



Ev said…
Found you through Jenna's blog. You're amazing and super inspiring. Awesome.

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