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This was AWESOME!

I tried the intro to trapeze a few weeks ago, but his was a lot more intense! I went to an aerial fabric dancing workshop. This was very challenging but a lot of fun. Especially because have a problem with being up high (I wouldn't say I am afraid of heights- I just happen to panic when I notice I am up high that's all). I don't think I would have been able to do this had I not gone climbing/bouldering a few weeks ago and got a little more comfortable with my strength and trusting myself.  Also I officially climbed the rope at the gym for the first time the day before, again the up high thing.  So the first picture I am doing the 'gazelle' (?)oh  I wish I had pointed my toes.  The next pictures I don't know what the moves were called but I got to do a drop.  You get your legs wrapped in the fabric (the diaper- wow uncomfortable- you can see my butt being squished), and you have to pull yourself up, pull your legs through, cross and pull legs through again.  Then when you are level you lean forward and then you 'drop' and your knees catch the fabric and you dangle!  I had a hard time getting dropped at first then someone told me to channel my Dirty Dancing swan jump/pose and I got it!  Scary but fun!  I really liked this class, wonder how I can cram this into my schedule?


Angie said…
Very very cool!!!

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