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Showing posts from June, 2009

I heart rest days

090609 21-15-9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull Ring Dips 4:46 used red band for dips...sigh It has been forever since I have done dips in a WOD! I have not missed them. I pounded out 15 in a round in first round, and after that I was hard to get 2 or 3. It seems like I was not the only one with that problem in this WOD. Dips became singles very quickly for everyone. I thought it was just being sore from the all the push ups the day before. I am a sore little girl in my pecks today. However my head turns to the left more comfortably again! On the bright side today is a rest day, aaaaaaaahh! 090608 2 Cleans 65# 20 Push ups 4 Cleans 18 push ups 6 cleans 16 push ups 8.....14 down to 20 cleans 2 push ups 15:12 This wasn't as difficult as I was expecting. I thought it was going to take me closer to 18 or 20 min. I didn't think my pushups would be that fast. At least for me. I did my first 15 unbroken, in warm ups I have a hard time doing 10! ha. Cleans I did unbroken unti...

Post Games

Well I rested for three days before getting back into it again. And I have been inconsistent since. There has just been so much going on it seems! I was sore after the games, but not for as long as I thought I was going to be. I only needed one day rest maybe two. Three was almost too much, but I like to rest. 06-01-09 "Kelly" 5 Rounds for time: 400m run 30 Box jump 20" 30 Wall ball 14# 10ft 31:48 Due to a large class I did wall ball first. Slow again. I crashed on round 3 box jumps I was so tired. I think my last run was faster than the previous 3 though. I was hoping for under 30 but was worried it would take 35. I'll take 31 and change. I did consider going light in the wall ball for speed, but its really the run that takes me the longest. I am trying to not hate running while running, but its so dang hard not to. 05-31-09 CFT (CrossFit Total) Back Squat 205-225-235 PR Shoulder press 95-100-107F Deadlift 255-265-270PR-300PR! So there was only...

Report from the Games

I took a few days rest before the games, probably 1 or 2 more than I should have, but oh well. I wasn't top contender ready anyway. My goal for the games was to complete all 3 workouts as Rx'd, then under the 12min time cutoff. Then I ideally in the top 50% of those females that did it was Rx'd, but Id settle for top 50% overall. There are three workouts announced the week before that we were to complete in about 24-30 hours of each other. Best times win. Top 5 males and females qualify for the Nationals in Aromas, CA in July. Three of us competed Myself, Jenna, and Justin. 9am Saturday WOD #1 of the Rocky Mountain Regional CrossFit Games 3 Rounds For Time (limit of 12 min) 8 reps of 195# Deadlift 400m run 9:25 So that time was good enough for 3rd from last of the Rx'd, My goals were going to be tough to meet with a start like that. I wanted to run faster, but really just couldn't. I knew I was not first so I took my time on the DL I really didn't want to...